Erokrad » фильмы эротика » Милая Эмма, дорогая Бёбе / Édes Emma, drága Böbe - vázlatok, aktok (1992)
—The story shows Emma’s and Bobe’s fight for survival, for keeping their position in society which they achieved with hard work in the previous regime. They don’t want to lose their place and become village girls again
—This film is like telling a genuine story about two girlfriends. At the first moment. They are alone and learn to know each other better and better. The hidden story behind the story shows how complex human relationships are. And that at the very end one has to live with defeat. They seem have told everything. But nobody will or wish to do that. That’s the tragedy of human existence. Your friends are not your friends, like our children are not ours.

Милая Эмма, дорогая Бёбе - смотрите эротику бесплатно!

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